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Meeting Minute

Hobart Hebrew Congregation Meeting Minutes, 15 September 1952
September 15 1952
Hobart Hebrew Congregation Meeting Minutes, 15 September 1952

MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, held Monday, 15th Sept. 1952. 
at the Board Room of the Synagogue. 

MINUTES Minutes of annual General Meeting, held 16th Sept. 1951, 
were passed and signed by the Chairman ( Mr. H.Jacob)  as a correct record. It was suggested and the  meeting agreed that business arising out of the Minutes  be dealt with at a later stage. 

READERS Mr. Ruben reported that the year just concluded has been 

REPORT This most active and happy period in Hobart, as several notable events took place. - Consecration of the silver sefer Torah, donated by the late Lady Esra of Calcutta, 
and the Melbourne Congregational Committee was represented  at the Consecration by  Rabbi Dr. Stransky. The Visit  of the Chief Rabbi Dr. Brodie, and Mrs. Brodie. A special 
highlight was a wedding ceremony at the Synagogue.  Tuition of children is continued in small groups and at  suitable occasions special children's Services are conducted. 
Children are taught Jewish History, Customs and Hebrew  by modern methods. Songs, Hebrew games and quizzes are  special pleasure for the children. As in previous years a  picnic was held for the children. 

Mr. Ruben also visited the Launceston Community to conduct  Services and to teach the children. 

A special Memorial Service for the Late King George VI-  was conducted and well attended. 

The President expressed the thanks of the Board to Mr.  Ruben for his untiring efforts during an eventful year  and Mr. Ruben then retired from the meeting. 

VIEWS on SERVICES The President reported that all Rabbis who had visited 
Hobart during the year had expressed to him appreciation  of the work carried out wy Mr. Ruben and expressed pleasure  with the way Services are conducted. These opinions came from Rabbi Stransky, Rabbi Klein of South Africa Who had been here on a mission for Mizrachi, and finally from the Chief Rabbi Brodie, who quite unsolicited  spoke about the well conducted Service and what valuable  contribution Mr. Ruben was doing in keeping the community together, 

The Treasurer submitted balance sheet Copies of which had been distributed prior to the meeting. 

There had been heavy expenses during the year and only £70-10-0 had  Been received from the Congregational Committee, as against £250 which had been promised. However, Tasmanian  members and Visitors had made substantial offerings and  a Donation of £100 had been received by Sir Archie Michaelis of  Melbourne with the request to utilize the 
money for necessary repair work. These incomes, together  with membership contributions and Interests from Perpetual  Trustees and other incomes as specified on the balance  sheet brought roughly £665, as against an expenditure  of £738, so that there is a deficit of £73 for the year.  Bank Statement and letter from the E.S.&.A. Bank regarding  War Savings Certificates which are held in trust were  submitted with the balance sheet. 
Adoption of Balance Sheet moved by Mr. H. Jacob and  seconded Dr. Fabian. 
Mr. Hayes moved that next year the balance sheet be sent  to members together with matrices of general meeting so that  members should have sufficient time to peruse it. The President expressed the view that though there is a deficit it was important for the sake of the children to 
carry on as before, namely with a reader and teacher, and as in the past there had always been a windfall he hoped this would happen again and in the worst case the assets 
of the congregation would have to be utilised 
According to the Agenda the next item would have been election of officers, followed by discussions regarding advisability of amending By Laws. However, these points 
were reversed so that the election could be held according to the wishes of the members.
The question arose whether every person present is to be regarded as member and entitled to vote, in particular whether the wives of members should have a vote. A lengthy discussion took place during which it was pointed out that in a small community the active support and 
interest of every jewish person is of greatest importance Accounts are being sent to "Mr. & Mrs...." thereby implying that the wives are regarded as equal. So that matters could be finalised Mr. Hayes moved the following resolution: “Notwithstanding anything contained in the 
By Laws or Standing Order, every member present should be entitled to  vote" . Mr.Coronel seconded the motion and  it was carried by show of hands. 
Mr. Chase disagreed and expressed his opinion that elections  should be held according to the By Laws. 

President; Mr. H. Jacob. 
Vice President: Mr. Coronel 
Treasurer : Mr, Hayes . 
Committee: Messrs H.Epstein, Kiffer, Rauner 
Secretary: Mrs. Fixel  
Trustees: Messrs F. Newman and Fixel. 
After the Election the president gave a short report about the activities of the past and thanked the Board and the Members of the Congregation for their support. Dr. Fabian moved a special vote of thanks to Mr. Ruben for his work. Mr. Jacob referred to the passing of Mr Kiffer senior. 
Mr. Jacob suggested that Mr. Chase should form a Chevra Kadisha so that in future there should be no queries about attending to the correct formalities. Mr. Chase expressed his willingness to do so. 
Read at Board Meeting on 26-3-1953
and initialised by Chairman as Correct Record


Hobart Hebrew Congregation

Hans Jacob
George Ruben