Meeting Minutes, 26 December 1841
Meeting Minutes, 26 December 1841
Meeting Minutes, 26 December 1841
Meeting Minutes, 26 December 1841
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Meeting Minute

Meeting Minutes, 26 December 1841
December 26 1841
President Pro Tem Mr P Moss

26 December 1841

Agreeably to Resolution of the 12 of December Instant the sub Committee laid before the meeting the rules and regulations which they have deemed advisable to submit for the Guidance of the Society the same were duly considered and the following Laws unanimously agreed to.


On the motion of Mr Phillip Levy seconded by Mr Judah Solomon
That in future this Society be designated the Hebrew Congregational and Philanthropic Society


On the motion of Mr Louis Nathan seconded by Mr Judah Solomon that the objects of this Society embodies all religious matters in connection with the Hebrew Congregation of Hobart Town., Including the adjoining districts


On the motion of Mr Isaac Friedman seconded by Mr Isaac Solomon.

That there be elected annually by the members of the Congregation on the first Sunday after the Hebrew New Year (
רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה) a warden (סנרפ) who shall act as President for the time being a Vice Warden (סגן סוהר), a treasurer and Secretary


On the motion of Mr H S Benjamin seconded by Mr H Solomon
That there be elected annually on the first Sunday after the New year aforesaid from the members of the Congregation a Committee of five persons, three of whom shall be a Quorum exclusive of the warden Vice Warden Treasurer Secretary for the time being who shall be ex officio members of the Committee.


On the motion of Mr Hyams seconded by Mr Robert Hart
That no person shall be deemed a member of the Congregation or entitled to any of its privileges unless he be a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual contributor towards its funds nor then if he be more than twelve months in arrears.


On the motion of Mr Judah Solomon seconded by Mr Phillip Levy
That the Warden or in his absence Vice-Warden shall preside at all meetings.


On the motion of Mr Judah Solomon seconded by Mr Robert Hart
That the warden shall in all cases be in full possession of the Powers delegated to that officer in Every Established Jewish Congregation, that he issue all orders for the Celebration of Marriage to Persons Professing the Jewish faith and for all interments in the Burial Ground belonging to the Congregation. That he regulate the charges to be made on such occasions and that he may at his discretion order any sums not exceeding Twenty Shillings to be dispensed by the Treasurer to necessitous Persons professing the Jewish Religion, provided that such sums in the aggregate do not amount to more than two pounds in any one month.


On the motion of Mr Louis Nathan seconded by Mr Isaac Solomon
That before the Marriage Ceremony be performed between any persons according to the customs of the Jews, the Warden shall have delivered to him in writing fourteen days notice of such Marriage together with the names of the Parties to be married, the warden may depute a person to solemnize such marriage according to the customs of the Hebrew Nation, provided there be no resident Rabbi, or Leader, and to perform the Ceremony, but the Warden shall not have it in his power to refuse permission for such solemnization of marriage without the sanction of a Committee of the Congregation.
On the motion of Mr Friedman seconded by Mr Isaac Solomon
That no person be interred in the Burial Ground belonging to the Congregation without an order from the warden specifying the particular place for such interment and the warden shall be empowered to demand the fees for such interment according to the known pecuniary means of the deceased person’s family. Persons not professing the Jewish Religion or who have renounced it, shall not be interred in the burial ground belonging to the Congregation and the sole control of the Burial Ground shall be vested in the warden for the time being.


On the motion of Mr Judah Solomon seconded by Mr Israel Hyams

That in the absence from town of the warden his power shall be delegated to the Vice Warden and in the absence of both these officers to the Treasurer.


On the motion of Robert Hart seconded by Mr Isaac Solomon
That the Committee shall have the power to lend sums not exceeding five pounds for a period not exceeding twelve months to any Poor deserving person professing the Jewish Religion, taking proper security for the same and also have the power to dispense any sum not exceeding ten(?) pounds on the whole to such persons professing the Jewish Religion as are unavoidably in distress or under pecuniary difficulties, and they may also make weekly allowances to necessitous persons of the Hebrew Congregation.


On the motion of Mr Louis Nathan seconded by Mr P Levy
That the warden shall on the requisition of any five Members of the Congregation or of any three of the Committee in writing addressed to the Secretary summons either a General or Committee Meeting as such requisition may demand but the warden may of his own authority convene a Committee Meeting at any time.


On the motion of Mr Friedman seconded by Mr Henry Solomon That a General Meeting of the members of the Congregation be Convened twice in the year the first on the first Sunday Previous to the Passover, and the second on the first Sunday previous to the New Year.


On the motion of Mr Israel Hyams seconded by Mr Judah Solomon
That no Law of the Congregation be dispensed with or altered or any new laws passed without the sanction of a majority of the members of the Congregation called for that especial purpose.


On the motion of H S Benjamin seconded by Mr Friedman
That the accounts of the Warden and Treasurer be presented to and audited by the Committee on the first Sunday after the Hebrew New Year, previous to the Election of the officers.

The meeting then adjourned to 2nd January 1842
Signed P Moss President pro tem