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Meeting Minute

Meeting Minutes, 17 December 1871
December 17 1871
General Meeting on Sunday the 17th Decbr 1871.
President in the chair
Present Messrs Solomon, Rheuben, L Levy, Lewis & Secretary.

The Minutes of the last General Meeting not having been entered, President opened the business by stating that the third quarters salary to Mr Pulver was now due, & that if the Congregation had any intention of not retaining his services, it was now time to give him notice. Mr Rheuben proposed & L Levy seconded that on account of Mr Pulvers continued ill-health, three months notice be given to him to discontinue his engagement as Reader & ? to this Congregation & that the Secretary be instructed to communicate the fore going to Mr Pulver. Carried.

Meeting then closed.
P Levy President
Read & confirmed 4/2/72 Leo Susman Hon Sec


Isaac Pulver